Department: Project Management

Code Name Description
PROJ5301 Project Management Foundations This course explores the theory and practice of project management. Project management will emphasize planning, cost controls, cross-discipline coordination, scheduling, agile management, and the role of task forces. Students will be introduced to th...
PROJ6301 Organizing the Project & Its Components Competency-based practitioner approach to breaking down a project into pieces that can be scheduled, tracked, and controlled. Equip graduates with concepts, tools, and language of project management that can be applied to any size and type project. L...
PROJ6302 Assessing, Managing & Mitigating ProjectRisk Risk management is a key competency in project management. Managers must be able to apply a variety of risk-management tools in their work, including performing risk identification, quantification, response, monitoring, and control. Participants will...
PROJ6302 Managing Risk This course will equip business leaders with the tools to analyze and mitigate potential risks, with a focus on proper identification, assessment, response, mitigation, and monitoring. Special attention will be paid to risk avoidance, risk acceptance...
PROJ6303 Project Approaches & Strategy Sometimes the customer does not know what they need/want until they see an early iteration and can provide feedback. Because of this, work is usually done incrementally. It is critical to build flexibility, agility, into the model in order to maximiz...
PROJ6304 Planning and Managing Resources Capstone Participants complete a comprehensive project plan including maturity models, enterprise project management, and all phases of the project management process life cycle. Applying real deliverables to ongoing business/industries learned within the pro...
PROJ6390 Independent Study in Project Management Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses.