Department: Family Ministry

Code Name Description
MAFM6311 Family Issues in Ministry to Adults This course will explore life stages, roles, systems, and processes of the adult formation. Students will comprehend ways the church may take proactive and therapeutic action to assist leaders in this stage. This course will assist students in unders...
MAFM6312 Research: Faith Formation in the Family This course will seek to equip students with skills in qualitative research that will endeavor to further knowledge in the area of faith and family formation, and will encourage serious analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of developing patterns and t...
MAFM6316 Faith Formation in the Life Stages A study will be made of the developmental process and faith formation for early childhood, children, youth, and adult age groups to determine characteristics, problems, life situations, and moral/religious needs of each age group. Special attention w...
MAFM6353 Ministry to Families This course will survey what the church can do to minister to the family as a unit, not just as the individual parts of preschoolers, children, parents, or guardians. In this course students will explore biblical foundations of family ministry and wi...