Department: Kinesiology

Name Degree Designation Description
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology BA/BS The purpose of the Kinesiology Department is to develop the minds and bodies of men and women in preparing them to become servant leaders in teaching, coaching, and other health- and sports-related fields. The Department of Kinesiology under the Coll...
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology BA/BS The Kinesiology Department is concerned with the total development of each individual student taking part in the kinesiology program. Of special concern is the development of an appreciation and respect for the human body as the earthly temple of God...
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology/Master of Education in Kinesiology (Early Childhood through 12 Physical Education Teacher Certification) BA/BS/MEDKN The Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology and the Master of Education in Kinesiology Accelerated Bachelors and Masters Degree program is designed to allow students to receive both degrees in an expedited manner. This program is desig...
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology/Master of Science in Kinesiology BA/BS/MSKN description