Leadership Lab
The Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) includes studying the culture of an Air Force officer and learning about opportunities available to commissioned officers. LLABs also include interviews, guidance, drill, customs & courtesies and other information aim...
Foundation of the United StatesAir Force
A survey course designed to introduce students to the U.S. Air Force and Air Force ROTC. Featured topics include: mission and organization of the Air Force, officership and professionalism, military customs and courtesies, Air Force officer opportuni...
Foundation of the United States
A survey course designed to introduce students to the U.S. Air Force and Air Force ROTC. Featured topics include: mission and organization of the Air Force, officership and professionalism, military customs and courtesies, Air Force officer opportuni...
Team and Leadership Fundamentals
A survey course designed to provide a basic understanding of both leadership and team building fundamentals. In this course, students will apply learned leadership perspectives while completing team building activities and discussing various leadersh...
Team and Leadership Fundamentals
A survey course designed to provide a basic understanding of both leadership and team building fundamentals. In this course, students will apply learned leadership perspectives while completing team building activities and discussing various leadersh...
Leadership Studies
Case studies are used to examine Air Force leadership and management situations as a means of demonstrating and exercising practical application of the concepts being studied. In addition, Leadership Laboratory is mandatory for Air Force ROTC cadets...
Leadership Studies
Case studies are used to examine Air Force leadership and management situations as a means of demonstrating and exercising practical application of the concepts being studied. In addition, Leadership Laboratory is mandatory for Air Force ROTC cadets...
National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty
Special topics of interest focus on the military as a profession, officership, military justice, civilian control of the military, preparation for active duty, and current issues affecting military professionalism. Within this structure, continued em...
National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty
Special topics of interest focus on the military as a profession, officership, military justice, civilian control of the military, preparation for active duty, and current issues affecting military professionalism. Within this structure, continued em...