Principles of Financial Accounting
A study of the fundamental concepts, standards, and generally accepted principles of financial accounting. The course focuses on the accounting cycle and procedures in financial data accumulation leading to financial statement preparation.
Principles of Managerial Accounting
A study of the accounting concepts and methods used in managerial planning, control, and decision making. The course focuses on budgeting, costing techniques, analysis methods, relevant costs, and capital budgeting decisions.
Survey of Accounting Systems
This course is an overview of the various types of accounting systems and computer software, from spreadsheets to enterprise systems, used in the practice of accounting. The course includes the development of student skills in the use of Microsoft E...
Intermediate Financial Accounting I
An in-depth study of the theory, concepts, and procedures of financial accounting. The course focuses on applications involved in accounting for assets and the valuation and measurement of related income items.
Intermediate Financial Accounting II
A continuation of ACCT 3301, the course focuses on valuation issues related to liabilities and stockholders' equity. Special topics include price level and fair value issues, accounting changes, pensions, leases, income tax allocation, and financial...
Income Taxation of Individuals
An introduction to tax concepts and the federal tax system. The course focuses on the determination of taxable income of individuals and reporting, payment, administration, and enforcement aspects of federal taxation.
Advanced Financial Accounting
A detailed study of financial accounting principles and techniques. The course focuses on advanced problems involving business combinations and consolidations, partnerships, segment reporting, and international accounting.
Income Tax Entities
A continuation of ACCT 3323, the course focuses on federal tax laws affecting the taxable income of corporations, partnerships, estates, and trusts. Emphasis is on identification of tax issues, tax planning, and tax research. Students will apply thei...
Managerial Cost Accounting
A detailed study of cost accounting and its relation to managerial control. The course focuses on various costing systems, standard costs and budgeting for planning and control, and the uses of cost information for decision making.
A study of auditing principles and standard. The course focuses on educational qualifications and ethical standards for public accounting, evaluation of internal control and preparation of the audit program, and examination of financial statements.
Internship in Accounting
This course is designed to meet accounting internship requirements set forth by the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy (TSBPA) in accordance with Rule 511.57(e)(13). The purpose of this course is to gain accounting work experience. The intern pr...
Financial Accounting Theory
A study of the conceptual framework of accounting theory. The course focuses on analysis of recent pronouncements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board and investigation of potential theoretical problem areas in the application of accounting pr...
Independ. Study in Accounting
Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses (juniors or seniors only).
Accounting Professionalism
DBU's Professionalism in Accounting course provides students with foundational soft skills, Excel skills, and data analytics skills required for a career in accounting.
Independent Study in Accounting
This is an experimental course and is not listed in the current version of the Dallas Baptist University Undergraduate Catalog or Graduate Catalog. Experimental courses are identified by a '9' as the third digit of the course number (e.g., ENGL 2390)...
Accounting Professionalism
DBU's Professionalism in Accounting course provides students with foundational soft skills, Excel skills, and data analytics skills required for a career in accounting.
Survey of Accounting
This course introduces students to accounting, the language of business. Students will learn the techniques for financial data accumulation and reporting under generally accepted accounting principles. Students will also study the accounting concepts...
Managerial Accounting
This course is a study of the internal accounting methods of business organizations. The course's major emphasis is the use of accounting for planning and control. Various topics include determining manufacturing costs, cost behavior patterns, costin...
Financial Accounting Theory
A study of the conceptual framework of accounting theory. The course focuses on analysis of recent pronouncements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board and investigation of potential theoretical problem areas in the application of accounting pr...
Accounting Data Analytics
This course provides students with an understanding of data analytic thinking and terminology as well as hands-on experience with data analytics tools and techniques. Students gain the skills necessary to translate accounting and business problems in...
Accounting Business Ethics
This course is a study of the internal accounting methods of business organizations. The course's major emphasis is the use of accounting for planning and control. Various topics include determining manufacturing costs, cost behavior patterns, costin...
Tax Planning and Research
This course provides students with advanced knowledge of tax concepts and federal tax laws affecting business planning and decision making. Students will learn various techniques and procedures available to evaluate tax planning opportunities and ris...
Financial Statement Analysis
This course presents fundamental analysis techniques and stresses the use of financial accounting in decision making. The focus will be on the role of financial statement analysis by decision makers for current evaluation and future prediction.
Accounting for Governmental andNonprofit Entities
A survey course of budgeting and fund accounting as applied to non-profit and governmental entitites: hospitals, schools, religious and charitable organizations, municipalities, and other governmental units.
Nonprofit Accounting, Resource Develop-Ment and Fundraising.
This course will focus on the preparation, auditing and reporting on financial statements for the nonprofit organization that are in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. The course also examines the explicit process of ethical fu...
Fraud and Forensic Accounting
This course provides an overview of the concepts and skills of fraud investigation and forensic accounting. Course coverage includes an evaluation of the fraud problem; prevention and detection of fraud and the use of technology to detect fraud; elem...
Advanced Auditing
A continuation of the study of auditing, the course covers advanced topics in auditing theory and practice. Emphasis is on emerging issues, changes in the auditing profession, and the interrelations of auditing standards and the techniques and proced...
Managerial Accounting Cases With DataAnalytics
This is the capstone course for the MBA's Accounting Concentration. It is a case-based integrative course designed to provide students the opportunity to unify and apply the managerial accounting knowledge they have gained in previous accounting cour...
Case Studies in Advanced AccountingTopics
This is the capstone course for the Master of Science in Accounting. It is a case-based integrative course designed to provide students the opportunity to unify and apply the learning they have gained in previous accounting coursework. Students will...
Independent Study in Acct
Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses.
Independent Study in Acct
Independent Study courses are devised by professors to permit students to explore material not offered in regularly scheduled courses.
Accounting Elective
A generic course used for the External Transcript Equivalency Process. If the course does not have an equivalency but will meet the subject area, the ELEC is used along with the appropriate departmemt to state the course is accepted within the subje...